Saturday, 1 February 2014

The Global Connections and Exchange Program

The Global Connections and Exchange (GCE) Program supports collaboration and online linkages among students, educators, and community youth leaders from U.S. and overseas secondary schools and youth organizations.

GCE participants expand their computer literacy skills, gain a deeper understanding of and respect for other countries' cultures, and learn to better use technology in order to develop their leadership skills and influence change in their communities.

Participants at each of the U.S. and overseas sites engage in specialized trainings in digital dialogue and online media sharing, interactive theme-based discussions, and community outreach while collaborating on projects that are relevant to their communities.

Program Length15-24 months, depending on the project

Eligibility and Application Overview

Not open to public applications. Candidates are invited or nominated to participate.

Though each project has its own specific eligibility criteria, youth participants must be:

Secondary school students;Between the ages of 15-18, and;From the same schools, classes, or youth clubs/organizations.

Educators are from participating schools or youth centers.

- See more at:

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