Thursday 28 July 2016

I Belong Here: 3 Ways to Attract More Women to STEM

"It's a girl, it's a girl," the audience murmured. As my daughter took the stage to receive an award at coding camp last summer, the other parents looked at each other in surprise, every other child in the camp was a boy. My daughter was the first girl to walk on stage that morning. Where was everyone else's daughter? Why did this elementary-age tech camp already mimic the vast gender disparity of the Silicon Valley tech world?
As a mom who has spent her entire career in the technology field, this was a proud moment. But it is unfortunately a scenario that still happens all too often. Despite the rapid growth of technology in recent years, there is still a significant imbalance in gender representation when it comes to Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) fields.
When Facebook and Google released their diversity numbers last year, it created a buzz of conversation on diversity in tech. Over half of the US population ages 15 to 64 is female, yet only 14 percent of computer science majors are female.  A report released last year by the American Association of University Woman reports that not only do women make up only 26 percent of computer scientists and 12 percent of engineers, but the numbers have worsened over the past 30 years. This is a huge disconnect, especially considering that published studies, such as by Harvard Business Review, show having a woman on a team raises the team’s performance and collective intelligence.
As a female tech executive, I have walked into countless rooms -- including boardrooms -- where I am the only female. The difference today versus 25 years ago is that today I know I belong here. Deals done, technologies commercialized -- that's only a part of it; I don't question that I should have a seat at the decision-making table, which is as much about attitude as it is track record.
As a society, we need to make changes to not only attract women to STEM, but also to create an atmosphere in these traditionally male-dominated fields where women intrinsically belong. So what can we do to address this?

Get girls to "opt in" early.

The deficit of women in STEM starts with the fact that, according to the American Association of University Women, many girls "opt-out" of STEM in middle school. Why? Most of these girls cite an increasing lack of confidence in using technology. They see boys obsessing over Minecraft mods but generally find current video games less compelling. The answer to keeping girls engaged in technology is about reframing the paradigm.
Passion for making a difference is what gets girls into technology and it is often why they stay in tech companies. In fact some of the top performing women in both my graduate program at Harvard and in the tech industry all say things like, "I was so fascinated by figuring out how developmental genetics worked, that I couldn't stop myself.” And these women often say that it was not about the mastery of a technology itself that interested them; it was that they saw a problem and they learned the technology to solve the problem.
Girls like to engage in problem solving and making a difference in society -- according to the book “The Changing Face of Medicine”, altruism has been more highly linked to career choice for women.Research shows that girls are less likely to be interested in learning a technology for its own sake, but making technology a relevant part of solving problems that interest girls propels them to learn technology. School programs in which computers and tablets are integrated into learning and problem solving could go a long way in keeping girls in STEM through middle school because they can gain confidence as technology is integrated into daily life, and they are used to solving problems with technology. Programs like Alexa Cafe by iD Tech that teach entrepreneurship and social movements with technology as a backdrop could be another key to unleashing girls' passion and curiosity for using more technology.

Reduce unconscious bias.

We have come a long way, but we have not eliminated many of the unconscious biases, particularly in tech. The stereotypes of what it takes to be a leader and what it takes to succeed often put women at a disadvantage. For example, I've seen situations where a woman's attempt to be collaborative is interpreted as "she doesn't know what she's doing," while the same woman when being directive is labeled as "abrasive." Women leaders have to weather more criticism and prove themselves more extensively because they are typically evaluated more harshly, especially in industries that are dominated by men. In the book, "What Works For Women At Work", Joan Williams and Rachel Dempsey call this the "prove it again bias". More recent work by Williams specifically looking at bias and the female scientist shows that black women bear the brunt of this bias even more than Latina, Asian or white women.
As more women enter tech careers this is slowly changing, but the number one thing we can do to reduce bias is implement objective measures of performance that they can use to measure results for both men and women. For example, imagine a tech support call center in which the measurement goal went beyond simply, "Excellent support of all customers" to "Excellent support of customers as measured by a net promoter score of 70%.” With this second goal, it would be quite clear who on the team was reaching the goal and prove it, and biases or subjective judgments would be more difficult.

Re-imagine the tribe.

Quick, think of the stereotypical person who 1) works at a software company or 2) has a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Harvard. Chances are you envisioned someone sloppily dressed who loves Star Wars and eats cold pizza. While I am both 1) and 2), I am sitting here wearing Ferragamo shoes and consider myself a bit of a foodie. (Admittedly, I do like Star Wars). Unfortunately, many young girls get the message that they don't belong in the STEM culture, either because they don't fit a stereotype or because they don't see role models that they identify with as tech leaders. Simply put, girls don't identify with the stereotypes of people in STEM careers and don't see the techie tribe as being for them. Having a mentor that they can relate to (including but not limited to gender) is a strong factor in a girl's interest in a STEM career.
Truthfully, most of my mentors have been male but they have made a difference because in one way or another they have made me feel that "someone like me" can succeed and be part of the tribe. I'll never forget when one of my mentors told me "You have what it takes to run a company someday; recognize that the locker room smack talk you sometimes hear is because they consider you a player." These mentors have personally sponsored me and my capabilities in organization discussion, and also coached me on how to position myself to effectively go after a role I wanted, saying things like, "Look, I know you can do this role, but let's talk about the hard questions they will ask about you and what you will say when those hard questions come.” Mentors and sponsors are critical to navigating the sometimes rough and tumble world of a growth company.
A feeling of belonging is one of the strongest predictors of a female being attracted to a STEM career. I have not been the victim of systematic bias but I have had my share of awkward moments as a woman in technology and I have had to hear and get past some harsh judgments. But my passion for using science to improve society has given me the grit to go after the possibility that I see. I belong not because I have been doing it for 25 years, not because I'm an executive but because I love to figure out how to solve problems and help people -- and new technology is one of my favorite ways of doing it. I belong here.

Friday 22 July 2016

Create 3D Animations with the Stroke of a Pen

With just the stroke of a pen or the click of a mouse, you can now transform your 2D sketches into 3D animations.
New computer software, known as Mosketch, allows anyone to try their hand at 3D animation without toiling away at numerous sketches. The software combines two major animation methods: direct kinematics, which deals with the change of a character's joints, and inverse kinematics, which takes into account the movement of a character's body part. Artists can use the 3D software to seamlessly convert a 2D stroke into 3D moves, according to its developers.
Now available in beta, Mosketch was developed by Moka Studio and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), a research institute in Switzerland that specializes in physical sciences and engineering. Mosketch is being promoted as professional-grade software that can "be used by anyone, from independent artists to animation studios.
Ronan Boulic, head of the immersive interaction research group at EPFL, said the software automates the natural flow of action of a graphic artist so that anyone can create animations.
When using the software, artists are able to focus on visual cues rather than detailed coding to create the animations, Boulic said. The software does the background work of programming a movement, while the artist simply uses their pen or mouse to draw the prompts.
"We rely as much as possible on the visual interaction on the screen, through the location of the pen on the screen," Boulic told Live Science. "As soon as you draw a line, stroke, you see the line on the screen and the algorithm instantaneously adjusts the pose of the 3D figure to match this line. So there is no complicated user interface.
The software also allows users to change viewpoints as they change a character's poses, adding to the experience of animating in a 3D space, Boulic said. Changing perspective as the drawings are animated is similar to a camera moving around the animated space.Behind the computer screen, two algorithms work together in Mosketch's software to fluidly create these 3D animations. "One converts the 2D strokes that youꞌve done on the screen, converting them into the pose of the character," Boulic said. "The second algorithm is a bit different. The user would pick one body part, letꞌs say the right hand, and would guide the position of this body part in space and the limb would automatically be adjusted."
This combination of actions was inspired by the way 2D artists work, Boulic said. A 2D artist could endlessly redraw little strokes until they achieve their vision. Then, micro-changes would need to be made to animate that vision, meaning the artist would need to create even more strokes. Boulic said it was this series of actions by a 2D artist that Mosketch aims to reproduce, with the added value of being in 3D. “We try to combine the two worlds, exploiting the skill of the 2D artist with this sequence of strokes," Boulic said. "That is then visualized in the successive adaptation of the 3D [movements]."
And Mosketch is not limited to just 3D animations, Boulic said. The mathematical equations and algorithms behind the software could have applications for virtual reality and robotics, he added.